We all know today's consumer is entirely different. The digital revolution forever changed consumers and how we market in their mind. The Marketing plan you'd in place years ago won't cut it in the current digital world.

Social consumers, content marketing, organic SEO, trending, SoLoMo...so many buzzwords so short amount of time. If you are looking to launch a highly effective digital marketing program, you must know your stuff. If you are a tad overwhelmed, here are 8 key components to assist you in developing a highly effective digital marketing strategy.

Web Design We've all handled website frustration. A poorly designed website will do nothing for customer loyalty. A well designed, user friendly website may be the foundation of your digital marke strategy. In the current fast paced society you need a well thought out, an easy task to navigate website that enables your visitors to spend time shopping instead of navigating.

Customers are Key Are you aware your customer and his / her wants and needs? Make sure your digital marketing strategy targets your customer. Your content should be valuable to her or him. Use social media platforms to activate your customers with items of value (coupons, rewards, prizes). Engage your customers by asking questions and providing your visitors the chance to provide feedback.

Mobile Marketing Don't forget to take your strategies mobile too. In accordance with Microsoft Tag, mobile internet usage should overtake desktop usage by 2014. Ebay did $5 billion in Mobile sales in 2011 and is forecasting $10 billion for 2012 With this thought, your digital marketing strategy will include development of a user-friendly mobile site and marketing tactics to focus on your audience.

SEO In today's fast and furious world, you need brand visibility more than ever. To get to the top of the search engine results page, or SERP, you will need an effective SEO strategy. Key word research is the first step.

After you have identified your industry specific keywords, utilize them wisely during your website and on social media platforms. This will direct traffic to your internet site and and promote your company's rise in the SERPs.

5. Content Marketing Your content needs to be not only valuable, but also fresh and new. Be sure you are blogging regularly and adding links, videos, infographics and industry related topics to your website. Make sure you distribute these links across various social media marketing platforms to greatly help direct traffic to your internet site.

6. Social Media Marketing Launch an effective social media marketing campaign. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn are all platforms your company ought to be seen on. Draw fans and followers by offering contests, discounts and giveaways. Always provide links to your content to increase web site traffic. Facebook Marketing, YouTube TrueView InStream Ads are 2 great social media marketing tools to research.

7. Email Marketing If you haven't already, develop and utilize a contact marke list. It is possible to build your list from people you understand, current and past customers not to mention, subscribers. Internet Marketing with deals, incentives, announcements and giveaways. The more valuable information you distribute to your email list, the increased traffic your site will receive.

8. Online Retail Sites Marketing your products on retail sites such as for example GoogleProductSearch, Ebay, and Amazon will provide you with an enormous boost in brand awareness. These sites are well respected and focus on buyers so it is practical to partner with them.

For example, Amazon Advantage allows you to sell your products through the internet-dominant Amazon name on a consignment basis. THE BENEFIT is clear: Marketing your products with a platform that is trusted and used by those who are likely to buy.

Things are rapidly changing in the current digital world. Make sure you stay on the surface of the ever-evolving digital marketing game by incorporating these 8 key components into your digital plan strategy. To be able to some guidance Atlanta internet marketing company and we are able to develop a digital marketing strategy that keeps you current.